Report writing on a road accident for class 8,9 SSC/HSC and 2022 all exam. How to write a report. Report writing technique

What is Report writing? 

Report writing means write about write any legal history which is ended buts his result is on the mankind. Reports should be make about various types of history. There are two kinds of report. On is for com to light in the newspaper and the other is with any reporter. Now-a-days report writing is an important issue in our country. 

রিপোর্ট বা প্রতিবেদন কী?

রিপোর্ট বা প্রতিবেদন অর্থ হলো কোনো বিষয় সম্পর্কে সঠিক তথ্য উপস্থাপন করা। রিপোর্ট সাধারণত দুই প্রকারের হয়ে থাকে । একটি হলো পত্রিকায় প্রকাশের জন্য লিখিত হয় অন্যটি, কোন বিষয় সম্পর্কে জানিয়ে অন্য কোনো ব্যক্তির নিকট সাধারণ ডায়েরি লেখা হয়। 

How to write report ? 

Report writing is a simple matter. You should maintain some important matter when writing. One is Report must be write in a easy language which can understand all the people. At first, give the date of writing this report. Secondly, you should give this location of the report making area. After, you can give the reporters name. Then you write step by step the original study of any matter. Sometimes, you should give any idea to solve this problem and make the over conscious ness into the people.

Suppose, an accident happened on the highway of Mithapukur. You are a reporter of a daily star newspaper.  Now,
Write a report about this road accident.

Report writing about Road Accident

Mithapukur, 20 April 2022

A serious road accident, according to the local source, took place on the highway in Mithapukur thana in front of Padma filling station at 11 am today. A passenger bus teeming with passengers was rushing towards Bogra From Jhashore, Khulna. In the mean time,  attack from the opposite direction collide with the bus in full speed. The upper portions of both the vehicles ar
e totally smash. Five people, including one woman (35) and one child (6) die and four people are injury by this accident. It happen in a second's of time on this place. From the dead body two can identify and other is not identify.They are Samina Begum (31) and Nashem Ali (25) both hailing from Rangpur under Mithapukur Thana. The dead bodies are send to Mithapukur hospital for postmortem and the injury's are release after giving first aid and then send to Mithapukur hospital for treatment. After the accident, the police of the Mithapukur Thana come to spot and send the dead bodies and the injury's to hospital.  Police firstly go to a near shopkeeper beside this accident place and question him about this accident. After,they are also filling a case to Mithapukur Thana station.

For searching : 

Report writing on road accident. How to write a report. Report writing practice. Writing a report on a road accident. Road Accident report writing. রিপোর্ট লেখার উপায়। সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা নিয়ে একটি প্রতিবেদন লেখার উপায়। 

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