Graph and chart mean writing of analysis any graphs or chart. You give a graph or chart on you. You should write descriptions of this graph or chart. Suppose, a cricket match had finished. Then a graph or chart will stand on the whole match status. You should give me the chart and fixture to you. Then you should write about this graph.
Graph Chart writing or how to write a graph or chart or Tips for writing graphs and Charts
Graph and chart writing is an easy matter for a student. There are some steps to writing graphs and charts. If we follow these steps we can easily write a graph or chart. You should maintain some ways to write charts.
1: Firstly, see attentively this chart and graphs.
2. Secondly, You should follow the graphs a charts status attentively.
3. Finally, you write step by step the chart's structure.
The graph below shows the particular student marks in different subjects obtained in an exam. Now describe the chart in your own words.

Describe this graph
The graph shows the marks obtained by a student in an
exam in different subjects. Here we can see that the student is extremely good
at Math and also at Science as he got 92 and 86 respectively in those two
subjects. His marks in Bangla are not bad he is 73. But his marks in English and Social Science are bad as he got 67 and 62
respectively in those two subjects. After checking the graph, we can come to a decision that the
student needs to make improvements in Bangla, English, and Social Science if he wants to get A+
in the exam. He also must continue his success in Math and Science.
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How to describe a graph or chart & how to writing graphs and chart
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How do you write a graph?
How do you describe graphs and charts?
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