A village market generally sits in an open space either in the center of the surrounding villages or on the bank of a river. Almost all the roads of all the villages lead to the market. There are various kinds of shops in the village market. The villagers sell and buy rice, dal, oil, vegetables, fish, meat, and all other essentials from the market. There are various types of meats displayed in the village market. Farmers from far and near come here with their products to sell. Their close dealing is quite interesting. It is a common meeting place for the villagers. Here the villagers exchange greetings with their relatives or friends. They also exchange important family news with each other. A village market s the main center of economic activity of the village people. The small traders of the villages carry on their good business here. A village market plays an important role in the life of the villagers and also in the economy of the country.
Tips for you:
A village market paragraph is a very important paragraph for all students. This paragraph had come from past the year board exam. So, You should read attentively and learn by heart.
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