A report on arsenic pollution in your area.
Arsenic Pollution in Shalikha Upazila
Write a report on Arsenic pollution in your area
Murshid Alam ;Shalikha,Magura ; 20 September 2022:
The king of poison arsenic has taken the village Hazrahati. Its situated in Shalikha thana head quarter, in its grip. Most of the tube-wells are affected by this poison. But there are no valuable steps done by the healthcare. It is made to identify the affected tube-wells, people out of ignorance are
drinking water from those tube-wells. The adverse effect of this poison has already taken an epidemic form. Nearly one hundred people are suffering from incurable sore in the palms of hands and feet. Many other people, irrespective of children and old people. are more or less affected. As most of them are unconscious about the rules of health. they are heading towards death untreated. The government should solve this problem emmidiately and conscious people about the harmony of Arsenic poison.
What's report writing or How to write a report?
There are various types of reports. One kind of report written for publishing in newspaper and the others for any institute. But, we need first about report. What's report. Report means displays any real matter. Before, writing report a reporter should analysis this matter properly. He has to go the place of report writing. A good reporter display the real news always.
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